Hey again peoples - Tan Crackers' christened its new home @ TONE this Saturday just past, and the sound system was AWESOME! Check out my set from the last hour - you can stream it here! Thanks to all those true Sydney Soul heads that came out and got down with Alex D, Gian, Gordy and myself. It was a great night as always!
Tan Crackers Soul Club @ Tonic Lounge has been going from strength to strength over the last few months, with a bigger and better crowd each month. Since the current venue has reached it's capacity (READ: full + line outside = let's find a bigger place), August will see Tan Crackers debut at the newly renovated TONE venue in Surry Hills, owned and operated by your friend and mine, BC from the SWAT DJ collective.
Check out my set from Tan Crackers' last Tonic Lounge set - such a good night, and thanks to those that have already checked out this set or given me great feedback. You can stream the set here @ Soul Strut or download the mix for a limited time on the TCSC Soundcloud page.
Here are some shots of my posse at TCSC. See y'all in August @ TONE.