So yeah... after the Fresh Up Crew got told 'no hip-hop anymore', the crowd kinda thinned out a bit, but that didn't stop me and the other DJs playing some killer funk and soul. It also didn't stop a few cool people from coming down to check it out. Click on the link below to download my best recollection of what I played, recorded in one take and mixed a bit roughly. This one's for you Tash, Elaine and cool uni girl whose name I can't remember. I got a CD for each of you when I see you next, or you can just download it here. Fresh Up Rough Mix 24th April '09
In related news, here's some flicks from the crowd at Tonic Lounge the night after Fresh Up. They got down with the get down. Shots courtesy of the newest staff member at Revolve Records, Erskenville. If you haven't bought records from this store, you haven't bought records!